Daily Discovering the Blessing


Hello and welcome to God’s Beloved Daughters!  I  invite you to look through the site, read through the blogs, visit the “About” and “Testimonial” pages, and share comments.  I look forward to your comments as this blog is meant to be an avenue of communication between you and me.  We grow together as we share the lessons we have learned over the years walking with the Lord.  I truly look forward to hearing from you.  Sisters in Christ have so much to offer each other as they speak together about their walk of faith, lessons in the Spirit, and God’s promises proved through experience.

Unlike the blog entries, the published devotional takes the form of a monthly Bible study.  Each month concentrates on a specific topic and offers in depth teaching in such areas as Healing, God’s Provision, Following and Learning From the Holy Spirit, Addressing Misconceptions, and  The Word of our Testimonuy, to name a few.  There are several ways to purchase the devotional.  I encourage you to get a copy for yourself – it is the result of several years seeking the Lord daily – tuning into the Holy Spirit to discover what He wanted to be shared with God’s Beloved Daughters.  So often I have come across God’s daughters who truly love the Lord but are not walking in the fulness of life in Christ – they are not experiencing the blessings of God.  Dig into the Word with me, my sisters, and be blessed!



Heavenspeak: The Language of the Spirit by [Grodecki, Merrilynn]

When we attend to God’s Word, His promises to us throughout scripture, when we speak that Word out in faith that He will see to it coming to pass in our lives, we are using our Heavenspeak. My new book offers encouragement in this area to the body of Christ through personal testimony and the ongoing process of renewing our minds to the truth of the Word of God.  Available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.


god's beloved daugthers cover

God’s Beloved Daughters is also a yearly devotional.  Enjoy a year’s worth of powerful, faith-building daily lessons.  Available through amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, or directly through this website (email me at merri.grodecki@gmail.com).

Comments on: "Home" (2)

  1. Audrey Prisco said:

    Hello Mrs. Grodecki!

    I got an email from Trinity saying that you had published a devotional and my heart jumped. You were such a positive influence on my life, and it just warmed my heart so much to think that I now had the chance to learn even more from the wisdom that God has given you. I will be buying a copy immediately!

    Multitudes of Blessings!,
    Audrey (Tirrell) Prisco

  2. Audrey – It blessed me so much to hear from you and to read your comment. Let me know what you think of the daily messages once you get the devotional.

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