Daily Discovering the Blessing

Continuing on applying our literary analogy to spiritual matters we come to “Persona”which is a bit more subtle and tricky for young readers to discern.  It is a bit more insidious and abstract.  The dictionary definition which fits this literary device is “The mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual”.  It is what John Bevere refers to in his book Extraordinary, the Life You Were Meant to Live as “a projected image”.  It is a false identity created by a character.  It is a misleading image through which a person desires to portray his or her self to the world.  You can see why identifying “persona” might be challenging to young readers. First, it takes a thoughtful, engaged approach to their reading.  Secondly, it is wrapped in shadows – not openly stated.  Detecting ‘persona” requires first a firm grasp of truth. And obviously persona has no place in our walk in the Spirit.

How do you approach prayer in your life?  Do you understand its importance but don’t seem ever to embrace it joyfully?  Is it more a mandate than a pleasure for you?  It could well be that our lifelong observation of others “in prayer” have made our own experiences with prayer stilted.  I grew up in a church where prayers were predetermined according to the day or the order of service.  Certain prayer “speeches” for certain days.  And while I believe that the original intent of this was honorable – for, indeed, they are praying God’s Word – the result seemed cold and lifeless – a script to be read.

Simply and truly, at its very heart, prayer is having a conversation with our Father.  Recognizing in your heart the wonder of Him!  Acknowledging your total reliance on Him, and your deep desire for that to be true.  Spending daily time with Him, speaking and listening.

It is difficult to speak in a heartfelt manner to a stranger, and therein, I believe, lies the biggest hurdle. (God speaks of His people going into captivity because they “have no knowledge of God” – Isaiah 5:13).  The act of prayer is meant to be your heart – that which makes you, you; the deepest, most honest reality of you – speaking with God.  Speaking “in Spirit and in Truth” (John 4:23Prayer becomes easier and more natural, more true and life-changing,  more satisfied and assured, the more you understand the character of God.

In all honesty and in all simplicity getting to know God is what assures great satisfaction, great joy, and great accomplishment in prayer.  For He makes you “exceedingly glad with the joy of His presence” (Psalm 21:6).

From the Lord one morning:

There are so many who feel that following Me is a dreary giving up, rather than a joyful receiving.  Life in Me is beautiful, and the rewards are tangible as well as eternal.  I am a giver – the Giver – and I give wisdom, beauty, peace – good measure.  Prayer persona offends me.  Be real with Me.  Tell Me what you need, what you desire – I am your All in All.  Why are you reluctant to speak forth what you desire?  Do you think it’s too big?  Too wonderful?  For Me? Miracles!!

Psalm 25:14 – The secret [of the sweet, satisfying companionship] of the Lord have they who fear (revere and worship) Him, and He will show them his covenant and reveal to them its [deep, inner] meaning.”


God’s Word on the subject:

Psalm 21:6            Psalm 25:14           Isaiah 5:13

John 4:23

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