Daily Discovering the Blessing

The Salve of Heaven

In Proverbs 22-23 God tells us that His Word is medicine for all of our flesh. He then commands us to:

…keep and guard your heart with all vigilence and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.

Maintaining and cultivating peace is a healing salve that will profoundly alter your life. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines salve as “a remedial or soothing influence or agency”.

We can sense when disharmony in any form attempts to interrupt our peace. That continuous peace ( “harmony, undisturbedness from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts – 1 Peter 3:11) that is meant to be a defining characteristic and a nurturing force as we grow daily in this walk in the Spirit. We are admonished to search for peace, to seek it eagerly – to pursue it.

Peace in our hearts, in our daily lives, in our interactions with others is an informed choice, based on our knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. And that informed choice is undergirded through practice and experience. For once we have tasted the heart benefits of the peaceful response to any and every situation we might encounter, once we choose peace rather than agitating passions, once we step out on the authority and absolute reliability of God’s Word and “surrender” to trusting in Him unconditionally – we have placed ourselves on the path of eagerly pursuing that continuous state of peace that will nurture us, sustain us, define us, and utterly defeat any attempt by “the world, the flesh, and the devil” to shatter that “heart calm”!

If faith is the currency of the kingdom then peace is its “Amen – so be it”. Peace in our hearts is the acknowledgement that in everything we encounter God is totally in charge and He wants to do us only good (Psalm 86:5; Psalm 145:9). We choose to think peaceful thoughts and positive outcomes, we take part in peaceful interactions, we choose to respond with peace to any temporary (brief, fleeting, and passing away) storm for within that unflustered state we are nurtured, and with our eyes gazing intently on our Abba – His love and His promises- we are teachers to all who witness our joy in the midst of the storm.

When any negative, disruptive influence tries to infect your days, apply the healing salve of Heaven. From the vantage point of a peace-filled heart, every moment is not only do-able, it is a stunning success and an opportunity to apply the beauty of Heaven’s standards to worldly affairs.

God’s Word on the subject:

Isaiah 26:3 Matthew 5:9 Romans 14:17 Colossians 3:15 1 Peter 3:11

Comments on: "The Salve of Heaven" (1)

  1. […] I read a friend’s blogpost The Salve of Heaven. It was about actively, consistently seeking peace. She reiterated how all of our days should be […]

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