Daily Discovering the Blessing

Archive for May, 2018

Established in the Word

In a recent edition of Victory Magazine, Gloria Copeland writes:

“Whatever you have established that you are in prayer, that’s what you are… even before you see it.”

There is not only trans-formative power in the Word of God, there is prophetic capability there as well. The Word of God renews our mind, our thinking {trans-formative} (Romans 12:2), and it is the tool we use to create our tomorrows {prophetic} (Hebrews 11:3). Imagine, if you will, waking in the morning and, before you step out of the bed and into your day, you regard and attend only to your heart’s understanding of all that you are, all that you have been given, in Christ.  You view the day through the lens of the Word only. You see yourself according to what God says about you, and that, and that only, is what you speak forth:

“I am healed, prosperous, and blessed.  God has a wonderful plan for my life.  I hear His voice clearly and I follow. No weapon formed against me will prosper. I am a child of God, filled with His Spirit.  This is the day that my Father God has made – I will rejoice and be glad in it.  My Father busies Himself with my every step.  I am safe all day long in His sheltering place.”

Every statement within that confession is a scriptural Truth.  When we resolve that God’s Word only is what defines us, and when we give voice to that in faith, those prophetic utterances will become reality for you.  It is so very important for a child of God to establish this foundation to build their life upon.  God’s Word is “alive and active” (Hebrews 4:12), with “self-fulfilling power (Isaiah 61:11).  In speaking forth that Word absolutely believing that it must be because He promised that it would, not only are we demonstrating a trust that greatly pleases God (Hebrews 10:38), we are emulating our Father Who “speaks of the nonexistent things that {He has foretold and promised} as if they {already} existed” (Romans 4:17), and we are defeating the enemy’s attempts to harm us.

Over my years of walking with the Lord, being led by the Holy Spirit, there have been some significant guideposts along the way that have restructured reality for me.   The woman I was when I first started out on this faith walk is long gone!  As the Word of God and the teaching of the Holy Spirit gently guided me, I was challenged to let in more and more of Heaven’s ways of doing and being right (Matthew 6:33).  Surprisingly, one of the most difficult concepts to incorporate into my life was the idea of living carefree before God (1 Peter 5:7). Ironic that being carefree is a hard place to get to!  It takes personal resolve and effort to be carefree!  And yet that is what pleases our Father and allows Him to establish His plans and purposes for us (Philippians 2:13).

When a particular issue troubles us – health, provision, the need for direction, etc. – our first response locates the strength or weakness of our faith and trust in God’s Word.  We can allow the problem to overwhelm, or we can allow the Word of God to remedy. We can cast that concern over into our Father’s care and speak forth the promises He has given us that will establish us in peace and resolve the problem.

Carefree living is very much based on how we attend to and speak forth God’s Word in faith.  Gloria Copeland’s words are truth and encouragement for us. Let your words, speaking forth God’s Word, establish who you are.  And then, even before you see it, know that you have received.  You have God’s Word on it.


Tender Mercies

It is easily observable that children thrive when raised in a family whose parents have demonstrated to them from the moment of their birth that they are greatly loved.  How a person’s heart, their spirit, their sense of self-worth, is powerfully shaped by this enabling understanding of being greatly loved!  The personal sense of being cherished, of being of great value, when instilled in the heart of a child is an enabling force.  A complete understanding that they are truly and unconditionally loved establishes a peace that welcomes in possibility, and a strength to overcome any attack on their self-worth.

As with everything in this world we live in, there is a parallel spiritual truth.  When we truly know the heart of God toward us, when we believe His Word, trust and rely on His loving intentions toward us, we thrive.  Nothing can shake that peace He has given to us (John 14:27).  Nothing can overwhelm or defeat us.

For this to be reality we must settle some Gospel Truths beyond any doubt in our hearts.  Throughout His Word our Father speaks of His tender mercies and loving-kindness toward us (Psalm 103:4, Psalm 145:9, Luke 1:78).  He is love (1 John 4:16), and that love sent our Lord Jesus to the cross (John 3:16, Galatians 2:20). We are of great value to Him.

You were bought with a price, {purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own}… (1 Corinthians 6:20)

He has given us the safety and shelter of His Word to stand on in faith and He has given us His Holy Spirit to guide, counsel and encourage us (John 14:16).  Allow these truths to recreate you (2 Corinthians 5:17); to renew your thinking ( Romans 12:2).  When you look out upon your day established in God’s Truth, identified through His love, trusting in His tender mercies, relying solely on His affectionate and watchful care of you ( Peter 5:7), then you are “safe in His inaccessible place” ( Psalm 91:8).

Faith in these truths establishes their reality in your life.  That’s our Father’s expectation – that you believe Him (Hebrews 10:38).  Faith believes that it receives all of these wonderful promises at God’s hand (Mark 11:22-24).  It is as simple as that (and in its simplicity it becomes quite difficult for some!)  When asked what the greatest Bible Truth he knew was, one pastor said, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so”.  “Have faith in God constantly” (Mark 11:22) seems to be a challenge for many believers.

It is the child of God who understands and receives His love and tender mercies that walks out every day in a peace that profoundly colors every moment, defines their days, and overcomes the world (1 John 4:4).